It's not about what you know, it's about them.

As a graduation requirement, I had the privilege of designing a forty-hour experiential learning project. I decided the best setting for my growth as a future educator would be in the college's tutoring center. Below is a journal entry documenting what I learned from this valuable journey.

July 25, 2018

Working with other tutors has taught me some important lessons in what to do as well as what not to do. One of the things I have noticed about other tutors’ methods that bothers me is that they don’t allow the student to begin the conversation. Not literally, per se, but they seem to look at what the learner is working on an then immediately launch into explanations of how to do things without first checking with the learner about what it is specifically that they need. It’s so important to not be the one that talks the most when teaching. There are so many insights that can be gained from a few simple questions that transform our teaching from ineffective to effective.
